• What is Nutrition Expo 2024?
Nutrition Expo is an annual event held by the Nutrition Department, Faculty of Public Health, University of Indonesia. This year, Nutrition Expo 14 is raising "Empowerment through Nutrition: Building an Anemia-Free Future" as our grand theme hoping to uphold nutrition values in taking care of our health and the health of next generations ahead, giving them a chance to live a better life, as well as taking part in eliminating malnutrition and anemia.

  • When and where will the events be held?
The events will be held both online & offline and the schedule will be available at the first page of this website.

  • What are the sequences of events?
Nutrition Expo 14 consists of the Pre-Event and the Event such as Opening Ceremony, Poster Competition, Cooking Video Competition, Nutrition 101, Nutritionist Wanna Be, 9th International Seminar on Nutrition, and Closing Ceremony.

  • Who can be the participants?
Pre-Event, Poster and Cooking Video Competition is open to the public. The 9th ISON will be held for academicians, practitioners, NGOs, students, professionals, and for the public. The other events, such as Opening Ceremony, Closing Ceremony, N101, and Nutritionist Wanna Be will be held for the community as a whole.